Welcome to 4F Victory

About Us

who is Coach White

Kevin White, aka Coach White, is the CEO of 4F Victory. Kevin is an Executive Victory Coach, a Master Life Coach, a Master Wellness Coach, a Certified Business Coach, and a Certified Professional Fitness Trainer.
In addition to coaching, he is also a highly successful businessman with over 32 years experience in launching, scaling and selling successful businesses.  He has been involved in several startup businesses including a Christian publishing business in 1994, a hugely successful commercial real estate business in 2005 and a private equity business which he launched in 2020.
His passion for commercial real estate and private equity are only surpassed by his passion for impacting men to live lives of total victory.

Kevin's 4F Path

Over A 5 Year Period, Kevin Read 427 Of The Best Books By The Best Authors On The Topics Of Faith, Family, Finance And Fitness. He Mined The Gold From Each Book And Created The 4F Victory Program.

A Journey to Excellence

Coach White has worked with over 3000 men in business and personal issues.  He has learned that most men are failing in at least two of the four F’s when God intends for us to be victors in everything.  We were created to win in every area of life. Coach White will show you how to get the Victory in all 4F’s as God intended.

This is not a dress rehearsal. This is your life and it’s going by fast.

Coach White

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